On Dec. 9th,10th 11th and 12th

Tomoko helped guests from SIngapore for consecutive four days.

On the 9th, Tomoko showed them around Nijo caslte, helped the wagashi ( Candy ) making class. Then we visited Kinkakuji temple.

On the 10th, I took them to Sakurai city to participate Somen making class. Then, we returned to Nara city to visit Todaiji temple. 

On the 11th, I picked them up a little later, and showed them around Fushimi Inari shrine and Kiyomizu temple and walked along Sannen zaka and Ninen zaka, Nene no michi, and Icshibei koji alley. After walking through Yasaka shrine, our final stop was Gion.

On the 12th, it was a half day. 

We first visited Sanjusangendo-hall, then we went to Nishiki food market. I hope they fully enjoyed the tour with me.


posted by Tomoko