On June 5th and 6th

Tomoko showed a charming woman in a wheelchair and her husband from USA around Kyoto. After our meeting, we visited Nijo castle and Ginkakuji temple. We had lunch at Omen ( special noodle restaurant ) and headed for Kinkakuji temple.We came back to the downtown to visit Nishiki food market. Then we went to Heian shrine and the art and craft center called Dento-fureai-kan. On the next day, we went to Arashiyama in the morning. We visited Tenryuji temple, and walked in Bamboo forest and then enjoyed walking a little more to Jojakkoji, Rakushisha and Nonomiya shrine. She got interested in a tour in a rickshaw, I helped her have the tour. 
We had lunch ( Sea bream Ochazuke ) and came back to Kyoto station.

We visited Sanjusangendo temple and enjoyed tea ceremony with a tea teacher at the famous tea shop. He told us the history of tea and tea ceremony and let us experience make maccha. He also explain to us the meaning of paper scrol on the wall and the tools for tea ceremony.

I hope they enjoyed the time with me.

posted by Tomoko